Liability for Content
The content of our website has been compiled with the utmost care. However, we cannot warrant that it is correct, complete and topical. According to the general laws, we, as service providers, are responsible for the contents of our own pages under § 7 (1), of the TMG (Telemediengesetz - Telemedia Act). However, under §§ 8 - 10 of the TMG, we, as service providers, are not obligated to monitor external information transmitted or stored, or to inquire for circumstances that would indicate an unlawful activity. This does not affect in any way obligations to prevent or cut off the use of information under the general laws. But our liability in this respect will only become effective from the time a concrete violation of the law is brought to our knowledge. When such infringements of the law become known to us, we will immediately remove the respective contents.
Liability for Links
Our website contains links with external third-party websites the contents of which we cannot influence. Therefore, we cannot give any warranty for such external contents. The responsibility for the linked pages always lies with the supplier or operator of the pages. At the time of linkage, the linked pages were checked for possible violations of the law. Illegal contents were not identifiable at the time of linkage. However, we cannot reasonably be expected to continuously monitor the contents of the linked pages without concrete clues to a violation of the law. As soon as such violations of the law become known to us, we will immediately remove the respective links.
The content and work of these websites provided by the website operator are subject to the German copyright law. Multiplication, editing, distribution, and any kind of exploitation going beyond the limitations of the copyright law require the written consent of the respective author and/or provider. Downloads and copies of these pages are only permitted for private, not for commercial, use. Onward distribution of data and trademarks, provided by a person other than the website operator, by third-parties is not permitted. To the extent the content of this website was provided by a person other than the website operator, third-party copyright will be respected. In particular, contents provided by third parties will be marked as such. If you should nevertheless identify a copyright violation, we would appreciate if you informed us about it. As soon as violations of the law are made known to us, we will immediately remove the respective contents.
Data Privacy
Our website can, as a rule, be used without disclosing personal data. To the extent personal data are collected on our pages (such as name, street address or email address), their disclosure is always voluntary, as far as possible. Such data will not be passed on to third parties without your express consent. We want to point out that the data transfer on the Internet (e. g. in email communication) may have security loopholes. Complete protection of the data against being accessed by third parties is impossible. We herewith explicitly oppose the use of contact data published in connection with the mandatory imprint / legal notice by third parties for the purpose of sending advertising and information material that has not been expressly requested. The website operators explicitly reserve the right to take legal action in case unrequested advertising information is sent, e. g. by spam mails.